April: The power of trade unions, we are stronger together!
Welcome to the April issue of FES Connect!
Technological development and innovation will change work as we know it and certainly the future for millions of workers.
Before we rush to an apocalyptic vision of the disruptive power of technology, let’s get the bad news out of the way: Any future of work will be shaped by humans, and it is up to us whether we shape it democratically and in a socially just way.
In that future, the capacity of workers to improve their workplace and the role of trade unions will be critical for the social and economic well-being of employees, companies and countries.
This timely message comes as workers prepare to mark International Workers’ Day in the wake of provocative labour market reforms in France or Brazil, including some that even ban workers from looking for jobs abroad, such as in the Philippines. Labour market reforms and government decisions that hit workers the hardest are not the best way to support, protect and enforce workers’ rights.
Read in this issue about inspirational examples of research and successful trade union action in the international work of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, its partners and friends that support a vigilant labour movement. In these times of globalized economies and technological innovation, repressive regimes and low regard for trade unions and workers’ rights—especially for women, youth and workers in the informal economy—a strong trade union is needed to support all workers organize and influence their workplace.
We are stronger together, workers of the world unite!
Scroll down and enjoy the read. Don’t forget, you can contribute <link write-for-us external-link-internal-icon>your story for future issues!
Your FES Connect Editorial Team
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About FES Connect
Connecting people, in the spirit of social democracy, we source and share content in English from the German and international network of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.