Trending News

28.06.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts

The effective excess of narratives in male football ruled out the possibility of having a female story altogether—and even excluded it.


26.06.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts

The multi-election year of 2017 highlighted the new challenges that the resurgent Right poses the EU. In 2018, too, there has been little to encourage Brussels so far. Will the shift to the right in the member states continue at European level?


30.05.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

Civil society organizations and movements are coming together for a Civil BRICS meeting in June to establish their positions for the 2018 summit outcomes.


28.05.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts

A list of essentials for a democratic and just future for the European Union.


24.05.2018 | Trending

Brothers in spirit – Russia and the European right wing


24.05.2018 | Trending

A close look at the new permanent exhibition at Museum Karl-Marx-Haus in Trier.


15.05.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

Among the gems housed by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Library are items and collections from the museum Karl-Marx-Haus, including a polemical satire by Marx and other rare finds that we present on occasion of Marx 200 jubilee.


10.05.2018 | Trending

Current labour standards fail to protect women's rights at work. Reform of international labour agreements is essential to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in relation to gender equity in the workplace, in Latin America and beyond.


28.04.2018 | Trending

As technology develops, trade unions must combat the precariousness of work. Christina Colclough of UNI Global Union summarizes three key demands.


27.04.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

A new guide offers tips to help negotiators win fair wages for workers. Negotiators can improve their bargaining power for wage demands by making better use of information on company revenue, profits and directors’ pay.


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