Trending News

15.02.2018 | Trending

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is stretching out to affect regions not geographically linked to the actual project.


29.11.2017 | Trending

How can migration between Africa and Europe change between now and 2030? Here are four scenarios to improve our understanding today.


29.11.2017 | Trending, Popular Posts

While China released its first policy positions towards Africa as early as 2006, Africa remains without a common policy on China’s business practices and relationship with the continent.


28.11.2017 | Trending

On how pragmatism is replacing values in the African-European relations and the expectations of the 2017 EU-AU Summit


24.11.2017 | Trending

The struggle for transparent governance can’t be divorced from the social and political climate in Africa, where governments and political elites attempt to curb citizens’ access to information on critical issues, in violation of their rights.


28.10.2017 | Trending

Caracas (Venezuela) – "The Observatorio Económico could even go on to provide a less contentious platform for wider democratic reform" writes Michael Lange, FES Venezuela


20.10.2017 | Trending

Montevideo (Uruguay) – The country faces obstacles on its ambitious path to create a state-run cannabis market.


16.10.2017 | Trending

Left-leaning political forces look for a counterbalance to US hegemony, while right-wing governments are driven by economic interests as much as by the arrogance of the US administration and the lack of attention from the European Union


16.10.2017 | Trending, Popular Posts

What is at stake in the renegotiation of NAFTA? So far, the results of the treaty differ as much from free trade's most catastrophic visions as they do from its siren songs.


26.09.2017 | Trending
Caption: Caracas, 2011 by Pablo Vitale

In Latin America, the concept "right to the city" has been taken up by community and territorial organizations as the flag of their struggle for housing and habitat.


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