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15.04.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

In 1848, as the Austrian Empire was in the grips of the revolutions sweeping central Europe that year, Karl Marx travelled to Vienna for his brief and only visit in the Austrian capital at the invitation of the First Viennese Workers‘ Education Club.


10.04.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts

How can trade unions respond to emerging technologies? On the sidelines on the World Social Forum in Salvador, FES and Brazil’s largest trade union organize a seminar on the question.


20.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

Women suffer disproportionately from the violence plaguing Afghanistan. Their insights would be a valuable contribution to negotiations, and to sustainable peace in the country. But for that to happen, their voice needs to be accepted at the table, and not just under the label of 'women’s…


19.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Reading Picks

The case of Unified Workers' Central (CUT) implementing gender parity in its decision-making bodies was analyzed by Didice Godinho Delgado for "Trade Unions in Transformation," a project by FES


10.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

More than a century has passed since Putri Mardika, Indonesia’s first ever women's organization, was established but challenges persist in the efforts to influence national politics to bring progress to all women.


26.02.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) delivers a final blow to South Africa’s foreign policy claim to be the gateway to the African continent. As China boosts its preferred Silk Road partners, it leaves South Africa at a loss for its very own foreign policy identity—and opens up a murkier future…


21.02.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts
Sushant Singh

India's wariness towards China's Belt and Road Initiative comes with implications for New Delhi’s engagement with its neighbours. Sushant Singh, a partner of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in India, explains more.


29.11.2017 | Trending, Popular Posts

While China released its first policy positions towards Africa as early as 2006, Africa remains without a common policy on China’s business practices and relationship with the continent.


27.11.2017 | People, Popular Posts

Powerful and intimate testimony on the urgent action needed to overcome the conditions holding African populations in glaring poverty, driving those who survive to exodus and exile.


20.11.2017 | Popular Posts, People
Street corner cafe in Melville, Johannesburg, a trendy artistic suburb situated near the University, west of Johannesburg city centre. Photo by iStockphoto.org / THEGIFT777

South Africa’s cities are still largely divided along the fault lines of class and race, a quarter century after the official end of apartheid. FES spoke to Khanya Bonani, an alumnus of the Fort Hare Autumn School Programme, about the persistent racialization of urban spaces in the country’s cities.


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