#marx2018: Karl Marx's 200th birthday is coming

The result 100 to 80 points

Congratulations! You shouldn't be worried in Karl Marx Year. You have a black-belt on the bourgeoisie, are a Capital connoisseur, a literati on labour relations, and expert on the exploitation of the masses. In fact, you are a true maven on Marx, who can recount his theoretical works as well as recite anecdotes from the Marx family life. You would probably be able to decipher Marx's virtually indecipherable hand-written manuscripts and not even need his works in print. You already know what is in them, anyway. If someone woke you up in the middle of the night and asked you to recite the Manifesto of the Communist Party, you would already be eruditely mumbling "A spectre is haunting Europe ..." before even being asked.

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