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296 results:
101. February: No social justice without gender justice!  
News and updates on approaches to gender work in international cooperation that can harness the potential for gender-just social progress.  
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The changes for a gender-just world begin from within
Strengthening political work to achieve gender justice is at the heart of a new gender strategy for socio-political development through international cooperation.  
103. December & January: Quizzed by climate change  
The special end-of-year issue, comes with a quiz on climate chance and impact, to share with your network members, family and friends.  
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Quizzed by climate change
Check your knowledge on climate change and its impact in this special end-of-year issue of FES Connect.  
105. November: We need a just transition for a sustainable future!  
We shine light on the concept of a "just transition" and what it means to model climate action that brings also climate justice.  
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Get ready for COP24: Four things to know about a just transition to a sustainable future!
COP24 is the time for governments to act and increase their pledges to prevent global warming ensuring a just transition that leaves no one behind.  
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African countries deserve an enhanced climate ambition
Africa expects transparency in climate finance and better access to know-how to better face climate change.  
108. Building alliances for a just energy transition in Asia  
How social democrats can promote a social and ecological transformation  
109. Apocalypse cancelled!  
How social democrats can promote a social and ecological transformation  
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Digitalization requires an active and modernized welfare State
States need to better align and orchestrate economic and innovation policies with policies for health, care and the labour market.  
Search results 101 until 110 of 296