
18 results:
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When the right is left and the left is not right.
The Latin-American lefts have adopted an uncritical discourse that has closed doors to basic social experiences and disabled discussion spaces in which feminism had and still has a lot to say.  
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Domestic service and social protection in Latin America
First in a series of contributions for our March issue on care work and domestic worker’s rights in regions of the world where FES works  
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Bringing security policy back to the public debate
Crises are heating up around the world, above all internally, yet security policy is almost absent from public debate  
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Beijing, Moscow, Washington – who has what to offer in Latin America?
Left-leaning political forces look for a counterbalance to US hegemony, while right-wing governments are driven by economic interests as much as by the arrogance of the US administration and the lack  
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Politics in the digital society
Digitalization is shifting the way citizens engage in politics. How can we prepare for the coming changes?  
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Shaping up for climate action in Asia
To mitigate climate change, Asia needs to undergo a transition towards a low-carbon economy, suggests the climate team of FES in Asia, since May with a new coordinator heading up the team’s efforts  
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Jakarta: an adventure in urban planning
Jakarta (Indonesia) - A city that earned its nickname after a malodorous fruit, Jakarta may hold long-term lessons for the growing numbers of megacities worldwide.  
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Who owns the city?
The battle for progressive cities in Asia  
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