
In Pipeline

27.03.2019 | People, In Pipeline
Amine Kharrat. Illustration by iStockphoto/bo68

With migration youth seek opportunities unavailable at home, and those from less prosperous areas see it as the only way to achieve an upward social…


26.02.2019 | In Pipeline

Strengthening political work to achieve gender justice is at the heart of a new gender strategy for socio-political development through international…


| In Pipeline

Quizzed by climate change

Check your knowledge on climate change and its impact in this special end-of-year issue of FES Connect.


28.11.2018 | In Pipeline

COP24 is the time for governments to act and increase their pledges to prevent global warming ensuring a just transition that leaves no one behind.


29.10.2018 | In Pipeline

Policies promoting the digital economy and transformation of manufacturing must incorporate the social and ecological interests, including those of…


24.09.2018 | In Pipeline

How to render the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) realistic and feasible.


30.08.2018 | In Pipeline, Reading Picks

New and noteworthy entries with a critical take on right-wing extremism and violence for your to-be-read-and-watched list


29.07.2018 | In Pipeline, Popular Posts

The regulatory capacity of States lags behind the technology of multinational tech giants that handle most of the world’s data. Is each State running…


| In Pipeline

#KickItOut: down with discrimination in sports! by anton5146

Check out our quiz and see how much you know about discrimination in sports!


28.06.2018 | In Pipeline, People

How from nasty little jokes, prejudices can grow to legitimize the myths that underpin discrimination.



03.08.2020 | Trending, Popular Posts

Thailand has a storied history of political conflict and popular protest movements. But recent demonstrations have been organized through social…


03.08.2020 | Trending

In the 2017 German election, more than half of the electorate were over 50 years old. But for inclusive politics, the participation of the youth is…


02.06.2020 | Trending

Germany is currently re-opening its schools, but how can the country ensure safe and equal access to education during the pandemic? FES Connect spoke…


02.06.2020 | Trending

Going back to education as usual would be short-sighted and self-destructive. Read about what lessons North Macedonia can learn to create an education…


01.06.2020 | Trending

Cities across the globe must deal with the pandemic’s impacts on learning and education. From posters to interactive kiosks - read about how…


04.05.2020 | Trending

Vince Chipatuka and Precious Mooze Ngónga explain the importance of promoting social protection as an essential contribution to social transformation…


04.05.2020 | Trending, Popular Posts

Among the dozens of countries currently fighting the COVID-19 pandemic globally, Indonesia holds the highest death rate in Asia. How prepared is their…


03.05.2020 | Trending

Shahra Razavi expertly narrates what is happening as we face a global crisis, how it is deeply affecting the health sector, work, and the economy, and…


30.03.2020 | Trending

Technological innovations have helped us evolve into the beings we are today. However, the turning point in today’s digital society would be the…


30.03.2020 | Trending

In India, the challenges of online life are not just about access to the internet, but also about how to get the skills and mindset to make the most…



04.05.2020 | People, Popular Posts

The informal economy plays a critical role in the emerging economy of a developing nation like Zambia. FES Zambia interviewed Mr Kashiwa Lameck, the current General Secretary for the Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy…


27.03.2020 | People

Award-winning filmmaker Ken Loach talks about his newest film Sorry We Missed You – how he was inspired by a visit to a food bank, his take on how exploitation has shifted to the digital space, and his in-depth research to…


27.03.2020 | People

The convenience of booking a ride at the tap of your finger comes with the price of a growing informal workforce that the urban transport sector must pay. FES Nepal talked to Artika Ashdhir of the International Transport…


04.03.2020 | Popular Posts, People
Maria Noichl, SPD MEP and rapporteur in the European Parliament for the Gender Equality Strategy. Photo by SPD Europe.

The election of the First Woman Commissioner of the European Union in 2019 was only the beginning of a radical journey of gender equality in the EU. We talk to Maria Noichl, rapporteur in the European Parliament for the…


30.11.2019 | People

Digital neo-nationalism is growing. More governments want to control the flow of data that crosses their borders. They fear that borderless communication will undermine national security, domestic digital economy or local…


30.11.2019 | People

Our work is yet to be completed. There is no more time. We need to stop talking and start doing.


17.10.2019 | People

A youth-led new generation of home-grown, post-independence civil society is emerging across Africa, and promises a model for a people-to-people development cooperation.


29.08.2019 | People
Felipe Alberto Corral Montoya at the Global Strike for Future in Berlin holding sign in solidarity with the community of La Sierra in Colombia, where a local protest was taking place, 15 March 2019.  Photo by José Imer Campos

"Just because you phase out coal does not mean everything improves" for local communities, explains a former FES scholar researching grassroots engagement and just energy transitions.


28.08.2019 | People

The youth of Armenia was the main driving force of the 2018 Velvet Revolution. But now it needs to shift from street protests to active politics, says activist Shushana Sirakanyan.


26.08.2019 | People

Youth must nurture international connections on the basis of solidarity to be able to collaborate and contribute to solving global problems. This is relevant for youth in Turkey as elsewhere in the world.


Reading Picks

29.04.2018 | Reading Picks

A new publication explores different possible regulatory approaches at the EU level to ensure fair working conditions in the platform economy


27.04.2018 | Reading Picks

In September 2017, the European Commission proposed the creation of a European Labour Authority. What expectations and advantages are related to its…


19.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Reading Picks

The case of Unified Workers' Central (CUT) implementing gender parity in its decision-making bodies was analyzed by Didice Godinho Delgado for "Trade…


18.03.2018 | Reading Picks

Agnieszka Wisniewska chief editor of the website ("political critique") explains how these protests have changed the country.


27.02.2018 | Reading Picks

A policy brief with recommendations for European policy and decision makers on how to adequately address China’s growing presence through its Belt and…


14.02.2018 | Reading Picks

The case of alternative trade unions challenging transnational automotive companies in Russia was analyzed by Sarah Hinz in a study for the "Trade…


20.12.2017 | Reading Picks
Getty Images News / CC-BY 2.0

We are witnessing an unparalleled Marx renaissance: from the culture pages of bourgeois newspapers to left-wing academics and intellectuals. It…


15.11.2017 | Reading Picks

Based on a case study by Ismail Bello, this story by "Trade Unions in Transformation," a project by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, presents the case of the…


17.10.2017 | Reading Picks

Analysis on the development debate in Latin America and why socially fair and ecologically sustainable transformation is needed in the region.


15.10.2017 | Reading Picks, Popular Posts

Based on a case study by Felipe Labra, this story by the FES project "Trade Unions in Transformation" presents the case of power resources in the…


About FES Connect

Connecting people, in the spirit of social democracy, we source and share content in English from the German and international network of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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