
In Pipeline

29.05.2018 | In Pipeline

Former World Bank economist Branko Milanovic explains in a book for which he received this year Hans Matthöfer Prize how globalization has led to…


20.04.2018 | In Pipeline

Trade union power is often described as fading away under the pressures of globalized markets and closing civic spaces. A photo story from a…


28.03.2018 | In Pipeline

Scroll through the first of three parts of "Women: A new awakening", an exhibition of historic campaign posters engaging women, by the Archives of…


27.02.2018 | In Pipeline

China’s Belt and Road Initiative has stirred up diverging responses along its route in South Asia and the Horn of Africa. A photo story from a…


29.11.2017 | In Pipeline

Current measures to govern labour migration are inadequate for countries suffering from long-standing development gaps and governance deficits.


30.10.2017 | In Pipeline

Two regional projects by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and partners in Latin America join forces to shape a new development pathway in a region with…


28.09.2017 | In Pipeline

Jakarta (Indonesia) - A city that earned its nickname after a malodorous fruit, Jakarta may hold long-term lessons for the growing numbers of…


28.07.2017 | In Pipeline

Ten messages sealed on postcards are part of a campaign by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung to promote a vision for the future where migration and mobility…


28.06.2017 | In Pipeline
Recording concluding session, featured Dr. Richard Barbrook of University of Westminster © Sebastian Glowinski / Mina Gerngross

A good digital society is more than technology was the main message of #digidemos the FES congress on digitalisation and democracy


30.05.2017 | In Pipeline

To mitigate climate change, Asia needs to undergo a transition towards a low-carbon economy, suggests the climate team of FES in Asia, since May with…



27.03.2020 | Trending

China’s social credit system is a highly debated topic for how it treads the fine line between technological advancement and fragile social…


05.03.2020 | Trending, Popular Posts

The reunification of East and West Germany has long since brought about challenges in deciding which cultural and structural norms were to be…


04.03.2020 | Trending
iStock Photo /nito100

The battle on the sharp distinction between male and female in the German language has been a long and often losing one for progressives, but this…


03.03.2020 | Trending
Participants at the 9th International Week of the Economy. Photo by FES Ecuador

Feminism and those who carry its torch have long since impacted and transformed many sectors and structures in society. In Ecuador, a week-long event…


30.11.2019 | Trending

Success in achieving Vision 2030, the SDGs, and living up to the commitments of the Paris Agreement will require a transition to a more equal,…


30.11.2019 | Trending

In a rush to ‘solve’ the issues impacting our climate, we often overlook the realities for local and indigenous people. A reality which, simply put…


| Trending

Urbanists from Europe and Asia are facing some of the same challenges, but from often quite different angles. Experts from nine Asian countries…


28.10.2019 | Trending

A new study highlights aspects that affect socially just post-war reconstruction at the intersection with housing, land and property rights violations…


29.08.2019 | Trending
Photo by Jassour Abualgasim

A campaign for solidarity by women protestors in support of all the women who survived the crackdown on their civil disobedience or were victims of…


29.08.2019 | In Pipeline, Trending / smartboy10

Former scholars pass on experience to the next generations in the mentoring programme, open to international and German students.



25.08.2019 | People, Popular Posts

Over half of Mozambicans are 35 or younger, yet only a fraction vote. A youth platform is encouraging them to head to the ballot box, but also to get involved in other ways.


26.06.2019 | People, Popular Posts

More than 300 groups have joined a global alliance that advocates to change social and economic systems for a more just, equal and sustainable world.


25.06.2019 | People, Popular Posts

Illicit financial flows are depriving African countries of wealth from their natural resources. With governments slow to act, civil society must take urgent action.


29.05.2019 | People

As we fight through conversations about pipelines and indigenous rights…we are actually putting the stones down for the new path the country will have to walk.


28.05.2019 | People, In Pipeline
Photo by Dmitrii_Guzhanin

A global network keeps dialogue open across the Atlantic in uncertain times.


29.04.2019 | People, In Pipeline

Progressive parties overshadowed by polarization, fragmentation and nationalism ahead of EU polls in May.


28.04.2019 | People, Popular Posts

The youth of Africa envisions a future where the EU dismantles the power dynamics that have hindered Africa and its development.


27.03.2019 | People, In Pipeline
Amine Kharrat. Illustration by iStockphoto/bo68

With migration youth seek opportunities unavailable at home, and those from less prosperous areas see it as the only way to achieve an upward social mobility.


26.03.2019 | People
Judicaelle Irakoze. Photo by FES

"We can not address the migration crisis without analysing the roots [of it], and the overall [root] of it is political instability, which goes with poverty."


27.11.2018 | People

Africa expects transparency in climate finance and better access to know-how to better face climate change.


Reading Picks

29.09.2017 | Reading Picks

Based on a case study by authors Arbind Singh and Sachin Kumar, this story narrates the fight by street vendors in India successfully organizing for…


08.09.2017 | Reading Picks

The battle for progressive cities in Asia


16.08.2017 | Reading Picks

Timely and poignant non-fiction oldies, politically charged fiction and memoirs, here are 20 suggestions for your TBR list by youth from the…


26.07.2017 | Reading Picks

International institutions are still not playing their key role in ensuring that we reverse the current disastrous trends in inequality, and allow all…


06.07.2017 | Reading Picks

The G20 Africa partnership draws on a financial and economic framework for reforms that can’t address the main challenges for countries on the…


19.06.2017 | Popular Posts, Reading Picks

How digitalisation can be steeped in the values of a humane society


17.06.2017 | Reading Picks

“Despite being an investors’ darling, India’s employment generation track record has been disappointing”


15.05.2017 | Reading Picks

"The transformation that the Paris Agreement calls for so urgently will only secure broad-based public support if there is a narrowing of…


25.04.2017 | Reading Picks

International brands and competition on foreign direct investment are pushing labour standards to the bottom, a new study by FES Vietnam shows


20.04.2017 | News, Reading Picks

The ever-growing automotive sector of emerging countries nurtures hopes and concerns for the future, reports a new study by FES


About FES Connect

Connecting people, in the spirit of social democracy, we source and share content in English from the German and international network of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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