
In Pipeline

27.04.2017 | In Pipeline

A global project by FES and partners from the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia is at work to shape a reformed global agenda on democratic control and…


29.03.2017 | In Pipeline

Often in the lowest paid positions, an estimated 20–40 per cent of the construction workers that are building Phnom Penh are female.


27.02.2017 | In Pipeline, Popular Posts

In Central America, FES works to revert a vicious cycle where weak social protection and restrictive immigration policies make criminal street gangs…


29.01.2017 | In Pipeline

An interview with the director of the Thai Civic Education Center in Thailand on the role of civic education for a democratic society


15.11.2016 | In Pipeline

In the past years, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung reviewed its long-standing work on gender equality worldwide and now it is spearheading a regional…


19.10.2016 | In Pipeline

Social integration was at the center of a discussion on migration by advocates of social justice at the “Europe Calling” debate series.



26.04.2018 | Trending

Mirko Herberg of the Global Trade Union Programme at FES lists the crucial things to know about the future of work and trade union action.


15.04.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

In 1848, as the Austrian Empire was in the grips of the revolutions sweeping central Europe that year, Karl Marx travelled to Vienna for his brief and…


10.04.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts

How can trade unions respond to emerging technologies? On the sidelines on the World Social Forum in Salvador, FES and Brazil’s largest trade union…


29.03.2018 | Trending

“There is a deficit of academically grounded understandings of the structures and strategies of power as it negotiates itself to exist and function in…


26.03.2018 | Trending

FES in Mexico is supporting female workers to integrate their long-promoted demands in the new Federal Labour Law, following Mexico's most important…


26.03.2018 | Trending, Theme of the month

In Latin America and the Caribbean, a regional Feminist Action Group is on the front lines pushing a feminist critique of capitalism, creating…


20.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

Women suffer disproportionately from the violence plaguing Afghanistan. Their insights would be a valuable contribution to negotiations, and to…


10.03.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

More than a century has passed since Putri Mardika, Indonesia’s first ever women's organization, was established but challenges persist in the efforts…


26.02.2018 | Popular Posts, Trending

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) delivers a final blow to South Africa’s foreign policy claim to be the gateway to the African continent. As…


21.02.2018 | Trending, Popular Posts
Sushant Singh

India's wariness towards China's Belt and Road Initiative comes with implications for New Delhi’s engagement with its neighbours. Sushant Singh, a…



19.07.2017 | People

"If there has ever been a moment in history with the greatest opportunity to achieve the creation of an intergovernmental tax organization, I would say it is precisely now."


28.06.2017 | People, Popular Posts

To counter the adverse effects of digital structural change, we need an inclusive digitalisation strategy


23.06.2017 | People

Agronomist Sigrun Neuwerth explains the development of new agricultural policies in Germany, Europe and Latin America and digitalisation


30.05.2017 | People

Jean Pierre Tsiaze Fozang, a mayor from Cameroon’s western region, speaks about the increasing inequality between urban and rural areas with regard to their access to electricity


30.05.2017 | People

It seems like the slogan "Now more than ever!" is the new guiding principle for more global climate action, writes Manuela Matthess from FES Berlin in the wake of the Bonn Climate Change Conference


26.04.2017 | People

Our guest contribution for this month with insights on the role of women in Kenya’s trade unionism and the need for a more structural female labour empowerment


25.04.2017 | People

Do Quynh Chi, author of a recently released country study on trade regimes and labour standards in Vietnam shares personal insights on what motivated her to engage


10.04.2017 | People, Popular Posts

From being on the dole to chairperson of Hamburg's German Trade Union Confederation – up close and personal with Katja Karger


27.03.2017 | People

"The organization of care work tells you a lot about the state of human dignity in a society."


15.03.2017 | People

Nisren Habib on the sexual violence in mass housing, the concerns of refugee women and the possibilities to support their integration.


Reading Picks

16.03.2017 | Reading Picks

For a socially and gender just society, a universal social protection system cannot overlook the need for quality and affordable social services


23.02.2017 | Reading Picks

New report by SIPRI and FES sheds light on the wider security dynamics of the Silk Road Economic Belt and EU–China cooperation prospects


27.01.2017 | Reading Picks

Neo-liberalization, globalization, digitalization and post-modern identity formation ― can social democracy deal with these challenges or has it…


19.01.2017 | Reading Picks

On the Hungarian law governing referendums and how they have been abused by the government of Victor Orbán to dismantle direct democracy in Hungary


21.12.2016 | Reading Picks, Popular Posts

Stories, thoughts and activities in the life of 49 thinkers of social democracy tell the history of social democracy, now also eternalized in typo…


27.11.2016 | Reading Picks

Reclaiming inequality as the core aspect of feminism, a political feminist agenda can change reactive politics


20.11.2016 | Reading Picks

The diversity in feminist positions, especially on grounds of how patriarchy has arisen and how it should be challenged and defeated requires to move…


23.10.2016 | Reading Picks, Popular Posts

The "success stories" of integration policy tell of effective self-organizing. A brief survey of three central areas of integration – housing, work,…


19.10.2016 | Reading Picks, Popular Posts

Using ethnographic examples, anthropologist Ruben Andersson in this study goes against the grain of conventional approaches to migration as "crisis"…


02.10.2016 | Reading Picks, Popular Posts

Professor Oltmer introduces historical and other complexities of migration to answer why Germany has so often been the destination of flight in the…


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Connecting people, in the spirit of social democracy, we source and share content in English from the German and international network of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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